QR / NFC are fun and easy to use

Turn tables faster with higher tips when using ZeroContact Pay at your restaurant. Use as many badges as you want.

Single-use paper badges

No need to disinfect,
Low-cost, self-print

Fix table badges

Variety of shapes and styles,
Can be your design,
has NFC and QR

Table Badge with QR and NFC

Simply put one QR badge on each table and your guests automatically see your menu or their bill. Fast, easy, clean, with zero contact.

Tipping made easy

No messy pen or paper - let guests tip right on their phone.
Set up any tip suggestions you like, including a pre-selected default tip rate to make it faster for your guests.

Don't use tipping? Just turn it off.

Split, pay & leave

Everyone at the table can easily pay their share and everyone can see when the whole bill is paid in full. This is splitting that works. Real-time payment status updates keep everyone, including servers, up to date.

You now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. And enjoy faster table turns.

ZeroContact makes everything faster than today. And your customers can have the freedom to leave any time. Accept all major credit cards and Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Or, integrate your Gift Card. Book a demo to learn more.

Cloud Bill & Cloud Pay
The "seamless experience" technologies

No App needed
ZeroContact Cloud Bill takes the bill from your POS, puts it right into the cloud, where it is linked to a QR on the table. When a customer scans a QR or NFC, the customer's phone is able to access the Cloud Bill directly.

Apple Pay,Google Pay or regular checkout
With the bill on their phone, the customer can Cloud Pay using a built in wallet like Apple Pay, or they can enter a card number.

Closed out on the POS
As cloud payments are completed, the cloud informs the App, API, POS or Web so the bill is is closed out on the POS (with tip). This final step is either manual or automatic depending on configuration.

Even works with old phones
This revolutionary experience works with Android and Apple iPhones up to 5 years old, with any POS and can be launched in days.
Get it into your lab for trial today!